Samsung Galaxy Note 5 is more powerful than all of mid-range smartphones today

Nguyen Hoang Phong
1 min readOct 19, 2017

Samsung Galaxy Note 5 is old today but it is more powerful than all of mid-range smartphones today like Moto G5, LG G6, iPhone 7…

2017 has witnessed many new mid-range smartphones getting released and among them are the Motorola Moto G5 and G5 Plus. These are good value-for-money phones but we wouldn’t recommend getting them as you can get a good flagship for the same money.

Of course, the flagship we are referring to is not something exactly new. We are referring to the Samsung Galaxy Note 5. The Note 5 is old today but it is still rated to be more powerful than every midrange phone today.

Furthermore, prices for the Note 5 have hit an all-time low thanks to the wide availability of refurbished models. On average, a refurbished Note 5 with brand new batteries will cost you only $200.

With that being said, you should perhaps adopt the Note 5 instead of a new midrange device as you will get more for what you pay for. Wouldn’t you agree?

